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Friday, November 26, 2010

They picked me!

The grade eleven students at Sutton District High School picked my book "Stalked" over "Brave New World" as their book of choice!

I've had my first few chapters edited by the wonder Karin and can't wait to start hearing some comments from the students.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

I'm so excited!

I just contacted a neighbour of mine that happens to be the head of an English Department at the Sutton District High School and she's going to help me edit my manuscript of "Stalked."

She asked if she could use it as a teaching tool for her students and that they would love to be involved in the process and at the end would I come and talk with them!

I am so psyched at this HUGE opportunity. I'm sending her the manuscript and we'll see how it goes! I'll keep you posted!

Muddy day at the dog park

Today I took all three dogs to the park to run off some steam (I'm dog sitting my parents dog Sage who's a beautiful Golden Retriever).

While there, little Ms. Hershey found a dead mouse and decided to roll in it! What is with that? It didn't stop us from having fun though. If nobody else is there I play Frisbee with her while Max (Pug) sniffs and pees on everything. She actually caught the Frisbee a couple of times! And boy, watching her run after it at warp speed is very entertaining!

So the dogs are all freshly bathed and are now sleeping soundly.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Poor Bunny

Well today at the dog park Max discovered a bunny carcass and decided it'd be a good thing to chew on! Eww, I'm so glad another gentleman took it, bagged it and chucked it in the garbage. It raises some questions though. Why was the bunny in there? What killed it? and if a dog killed it should that dog be in the park?

Max also got peed on today by another dog. Let's just say he had a good bath when he got home and extra treats to get the raw bunny smell off his breath!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Dogs people pick

At the dog park the other day we met Molly, a Cairn Terrier, now if you don't know what a Cairn Terrier looks like think Dorothy's dog Toto in the Wizard of Oz. I loved that Molly's owner was a tough looking biker dude that absolutely loved his little doggie. It's interesting to see the types of dogs people pick.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

The Doggy know it all

I was at the dog park today flying solo so I was a little bit weary since Hershey has some issues with wanting to dominate everyone before she feels good. Well it turned out great we had two huge Huskies that were so nice to Hershey and Max and a mutt of some sort that was Hershey's new best friend. As I walked around the dog park the dogs would group together like a pack and it was nice to see.

But of course a new dog came in and rocked Hershey's stable condition. Hershey didn't like the new dog right off and wanted to bark at it, but was also frightful of the dog and hid under my legs. The owner of the other dog started to tell me how to handle my dog. I nicely listened to her guidance about how to handle her but soon I decided to leave after Hershey didn't want to leave my side and wasn't going to feel good anymore.

I know everyone wants to be the next dog whisperer but really if you aren't Caesar Milan I'm going to listen to your instructions with a grain of salt.

Tomorrow is a new day and we'll see what happens at the dog park.